Ficus de Mora in Cadiz in 1903

The history of Mora ficus

A walk around Cadiz often begins with a stroll around the historic center, the "casco antiguo". Cadiz is a peninsula. The "casco" looks like a chop (image found by Eli, second guiritana) surrounded by the Atlantic. There's no risk of getting lost along the sea - you'll always end up retracing your steps or turning "for

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Holy Week in Cadiz, Madruga

Moon and Holy Week

Holy Week is one of the most eagerly awaited feasts in the Spanish calendar. Christians commemorate Christ's Passion, from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, the day of his Resurrection. The date of Easter Sunday varies. No Holy Week is complete without the processions organized by

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Watercolor by Eugène Delacroix in Cadiz, San Francisco Square

Eugène Delacroix in Cadiz

Did you know? Eugène Delacroix, the painter of Romanticism, walked the streets and squares of Cadiz long before las guiritanas. A visit little known to most, but fortuitous for him. A chance encounter with Cadiz May 1832, Delacroix, already renowned for "La liberté guidant le peuple" (Liberty guiding the people), was stranded at the port of Cadiz.

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James Bond.jpg

James Bond in Cadiz

Cadiz's historic Casco Antiguo district is reminiscent of Havana (Cuba). So it's no surprise that the James Bond franchise set its cameras on the Andalusian Atlantic peninsula for "Die Another Day" in 2002. Icy American-Cuban relations oblige! Remember Halle Berry coming out of the water in front of James Bond?

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Cadiz explosion in 1947

Cadiz explosion in 1947

➽ La chronique de la tragédie en vidéo👇 ➽ À découvrir aussi 🍀le documentaire espagnol " El cielo se puso rojo " -Diputación de Cádiz La résilience gaditane 70 ans après l'explosion, les stigmas semblent disparus. Cádiz and its province have lost none of their beauty, with natural parks, beaches and white villages. And the Gaditans

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