El poema del cante jondo. Federico Garcia Lorca. Editions Reino de Cordelia lasguiritanas.com

"El poema del Cante Jondo" Federico Garcia Lorca

Beautiful book published on April 8, bought at the Libreria Manuel de Falla, Plaza de Mina, two doors down from the building where the composer was born.

Most of "El poema del Cante Jondo", first printed in 1931, was composed by Federico García Lorca as early as November 1921.

Less than a year before "Le concours du Cante Jondo", in Granada, an event organized by Manuel de Falla and Federico García Lorca, who were close friends.

The cante jondo, the primitive song, the deep song blown by the Indian and Persian East, the forerunner of flamenco,

The pain of the soul and the body in shears.


In the spirit of the beautiful "Los versos de Cordelia" collection, the poems are illustrated. Here, by Raúl Arias 


Note: In the preface, editor Luis Alberto de Cuenca discusses his choice to harmonize the use of commas in Lorca's poetry, an issue that has divided translators.

Las seis cuerdas

La guitarra

hace llorar a los sueños

El sollozo de las almas


se escapa por su boca



The 6 strings

The guitar

makes dreams cry.

The sob of souls


escapes through his mouth




Cuando yo me muera,

enterradme con mi guitarra

bajo la arena.


Cuando yo me muera,

entre los naranjos

y la hierbabuena.


Cuando yo me muera,

enterradme si queréis

en una veleta.


¡Cuando yo me muera!



When I die,

bury me with my guitar

under the sand.


When I die,

among the orange trees.

and good mint,


When I die,

bury me, if you like,

in a weather vane.


¡When I die!


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