Toussaint, or " Todos los Santos " in Spanish, translates as " Tosantos " in Gaditan, the Cadiz language that likes to chew on words.
Cadiz is known throughout Spain for its Carnival. A 10-day celebration of Andalusian culture in February. Above all, it's a time when Gaditans make their claims with songs and satire in their own language, Gaditan. A language difficult to understand for non-native Spaniards. Under Franco, Carnival was a free expression of resistance to the " Caudillo " (Franco's title for "General") without the risk of being shot.
Carnival symbolizes the Gaditan soul, the art of partying in all its forms.
" Tosantos ": a party before All Saints' Day.
The " Tosantos " festival here has a special spirit: in 1876, the town council decided to revitalize the "Mercado Central ", located between Plaza Jiménez and Plaza de la Libertad, right in the heart of the "Casco antiguo".
The aim: to attract gaditans to stock up here on the eve of the religious feast of All Saints on November 1.
And so the Festival of the Markets - " Tosantos" - was born, marked by the organization of a great popular ball in both squares.
100 years later, in 1977
Lhe Délégation municipale des Fêtes et Marchés, together with the association of market traders, is developing the " Tosantos" festival.
Shopkeepers are asked to decorate their stalls in the pure tradition of Gaditan protest, as for Carnival: a competition is organized.
The Gaditan spirit, always playful, mischievous and prankster-like, has no trouble getting them to participate. One shopkeeper uses a fish head to represent himself at his stall. Another creates a western scene with a poster of the mayor's face up for grabs...
There's plenty of opportunity for jokes and practical jokes, not only at the stalls of the Central Market, but also at the Virgen del Rosario Market, which has joined the party at Puerta Tierra, in the city's more modern districts.
In all seriousness, this time a panel of judges will vote and award prizes for the best stands in three categories: meat, fish and vegetables.
As with Carnival, the "Tosantos " festival is also inaugurated by a local celebrity. This year, in 2024, the honor goes to the local TV weather girl.
" Tosantos: a new tradition...
This festival has become more than an institution: it's become a new tradition.
A tradition celebrated by the whole family, with children at the center of attention. The stalls are there to entertain them and make them smile. Two seasonal fruits are offered to them and distributed in bags at the market entrances.
... which gets a little lost.
On October 28, 2024, less than 10 of the 34 stands registered took part. Gaditans turned out in force to pass on the spirit of celebration and wonder to their children. So let's sing and dance in front of the markets.
And that's without counting on Halloween...which the gaditans will also be celebrating!
" Claro que sí!- Of course it is. Gaditans are eternal children.